In October 2016 took place meeting of Safe Work Leaders Forum arranged by Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB). Merrid Controls received Safe Work Leader Silver Card for years 2017-2018. News item (pl) Safe Work Leadres CIOP-PIB CIOP-PIB
Supplement to “Dziennik Łódzki” – XIII edition of Lodz Province Governor Economic Award (15.10.2016)
During the last days of September 2016 took place the XI edition of the ELGOR conference. It was an opportunity to present the latest technical solutions for the open pit mining industry. Merrid Controls was a partner of the conference. Company presented, in cooperation with the Representatives of PGE GiEK and Siemens, SCADA WinCC OA system basing on the example […]
Please find information about Merrid Controls in the latest supplmenet “INTEGRATORZY SYSTEMÓW AUTOMATYKI 2016/2017” to the magazine Control Engineering.
System SAMER®TAS implemented on PERN Oil Terminal in Gdańsk is dedictaed for management, supervision and automation of oil storage and loading/unloding processes. Polski Przemysł, 33 3/2016
On the 21th of April, 2016 Merrid Controls organized conference “IT and automation branch quarter-century” celebrating 25 years of business activity.
On 18th of November 2015 in Lodz took place presentation of awards in XXII edition of National Labour Inspectorate Competition “EMPLOYER – SAFE WORK ORGANISER”.
Commencing as of the 01st of September 2014 the Company has changed the address to: Merrid Controls Sp. z o.o. ul. Ratajska 12 91-231 Łódź Please as of the 01st of September 2014 issue the invoices and send the correspondence to the new address. Please update Company details in Your database accordingly.
Merrid Controls implemented in modern Fuel Terminal in Poznań SAMER system to control unloading and filling process. GRUPA LOTOS S.A. Grupa Lotos Baza Paliw w Poznaniu Nowatorski Magazyn Przemysłowy Polski Przemysł Lotos otworzył bazę paliw w Poznaniu Portal Gospodarczy Cztery razy więcej Lotosu w Wielkopolsce
Merrid Controls took part in the project of modernization Grupa LOTOS Fuel Terminal in Poznań. Company implemented the system SAMER® which controls the fuel distribution process. On the 23th of June 2014 took place the ceremonial opening of the modernized Terminal.
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